Saturday, September 20, 2008

greetings and salutations

Welcome to my personal blog for all things ranty, be they musical (most likely), political (sometimes) or personal (rarely). I might post about a great meal, the last poker game I played, or an unknown band's performance. I don't plan to format this too much, and would like to keep things relatively unfiltered.

The blog title is a nod to the legendary album by Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band. I remember reading somewhere that Kurt Cobain and Courtney love used to play it during sexy time, and he believed that in some alternate universe it's sold more copies than "Thriller." I can't really think of a better title for the blog, as I concur.

Initially, I'm going to repost some old blogs from my (albeit rather abandoned and ignored) myspace page and gradually move into the realtime blogosphere. Should be fun; I'm looking forward to it.

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